Coronavirus: Spanish regions ban smoking over Covid-19 risk


The Spanish region of Galicia has effectively banned smoking in public places over concerns it increases the risk of Covid-19 transmission.

It issued a blanket ban on smoking in the street and in public places, such as restaurants and bars, if social distancing is not possible.

The north-western region is the first to introduce such a measure, but the Canary Islands has since followed suit.

Daily cases have risen from fewer than 150 in June to more than 1,500 throughout August. It recorded 1,690 new cases in the latest daily count on Wednesday, bringing the country's total to almost 330,000.

Galicia's smoking ban was announced in a news conference on Wednesday after experts recommended the measure to the regional government.

It said the risk was heightened because people project droplets - and potentially Covid-19 - when they exhale smoke.

It also said smokers risked infection in other ways, such as by touching their cigarette before bringing it to their mouth and by handling face masks when taking them on and off.