7 steps to make money, make money, if you do it right, your wallet will be full without realizing it

 1. The first formula is to deduct at least 10% of your daily or monthly income to save regularly: This is the first way to increase the amount of money in your wallet and make sure you do not touch or spend 90% of your money. We can also use it for other expenses. Example: If your income is $ 300, you need to deduct at least 10% equal to $ 30.

  2.The second formula to prevent expenses: There are generally two types of expenses: necessary expenses and unnecessary expenses. And the cost that we have to prevent is unnecessary expenses, it is the cost of wanting to spend on things that we do not need, such as entertainment, shopping, drinking and so on. Practice this way and you will have money in your pocket.

 3. The third formula is to double the amount of money: just saving and spending can not make us rich, but to use money to make money or invest to increase the amount of money. Increase. If we just save $ 50, it will still be $ 50, but if we invest $ 50, it will increase to $ 100 or $ 200 or more.
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  4.The fourth formula is to protect the property from loss: In fact, investing is a good thing and increase the amount of our money, and it is also a high risk if we invest money in something we do not have the skills. With it. But if we want to invest, we can also cooperate with experts. And be used in any safe investment.

  5.The fifth formula is to have your own home: Of course, everyone always has a dream to have a home that is their own business, and it is also a motivating force or make us proud of ourselves. We can say that if we rent a house, we have to pay them every month and in the end it is still their house, but if this is a house that we pay, even if we try to pay every month, but a few years later That house will surely become our home.

 6.Formula 6: Prepare an income for the future: Of course, birth, old age, illness, death, we can not predict, so we need to know how to prepare an income for when we retire or can not work again. Those packages can come from having a passive source of income, which is the kind of income we get without having to work, and it flows in every day, every time, even if we do nothing, passive income, for example, renting land. Rent a house, want interest, etc.

 Formula 7 Increase your ability to earn money: To increase your income, you must be able to increase your income more, which means that you need to learn more skills in addition to the existing skills to increase your income.

 It should also be noted that these 7 recipes are taken from the book of the richest people in Babylon, I hope that these 7 recipes will help you to manage and use money effectively. I dare not say that these recipes make you a millionaire, but I believe it will make you more money.