We know that Vietnam is a country with strong economic potential today, and this growth, according to analysts from the World Bank and the Brooking Institution Research Institute in the United States. Can reach orgasm so far due to these three factors, including:

1. Capturing the policy of commercialization of trade from other countries

Vietnam has become a hub for foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows, growing to reach nearly 18 billion USD in 2018, accounting for nearly 24% of total investment in its economy. And one of the most promising manufacturing locations in Southeast Asia. Japanese and Korean electronics companies such as Samsung, LG, Olympus and Pioneer, as well as European and American clothing manufacturers, are increasingly investing in the country. The Financial Times reported in 2017 that Vietnam is the largest exporter of garments in the region and the second largest exporter of electronics after Singapore.  
2. Complementing internal liberalization with reforms to reduce costs and costs of doing business locally Vietnam always tries to produce as many new products as possible to supply itself in its own country, rather than importing products from abroad because it wants to reduce the cost of importing products or goods. From other countries, which is why Vietnam has become a country with such a strong economy. 

 3. Significant investment in human and physical resources, especially through investment in the public sector. The development of Vietnam's education sector is achieving high and equitable results in primary schools. Countries from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The Vietnamese mortality rate is 87%, one of the highest in the region and globally, at 73 years old.