Of course, everyone can become rich, but it depends on financial knowledge and know the rules or recipes to become rich. In fact, according to a personal post on Facebook by a financial expert, Nget Chou revealed four short-term ways to build wealth.

1. Change negative thoughts about money by thinking positively about what the rich think: Like thinking that today I have no money, but in 10 years I will have a lot of money. Wealth is not a destiny, but an effort of ingenuity and understanding of opportunity.

2. Pay off bad debts, such as paying off unnecessary consumer goods: These debts have high interest rates, and the items you buy on credit, such as cell phones, cars, and electronics, are depreciating so fast, so plan to pay them off. Get rid of all these bad debts.

3. Change the attitude of using money effectively: that is, the money earned is divided into two parts, the first is rice and the second is seeds. Rice means spending only what is necessary, like people need to eat to survive. The seeds are invested to make money. If 40% of the money earned is rice and 60% is seeds, then the poor will not last long.

4. Make money from seeds by investing in stocks, investing in real estate, investing in a fund management company, etc.