Almost every business now has its own Facebook page, but at the same time we see some unattractive packs that make you less familiar and need to spend money. Lots with Facebook and so on.

Therefore, in this article, we will show you four repetitive habits that can lead to losing customers, no viewers and spending money ineffectively on Facebook.

1. Excessive

If it's appealing content is okay, but if it's unattractive content and keep popping it up, Reach to your target customers will be even worse. On the other hand, when popping up too much is not attractive, they drag up and down to see the same, they will go to Unlike Pak.

Try to learn to create compelling content that is relevant to the sector or product you are doing or are doing with a clear schedule, not too much.

2. Unattractive image

This is not to go to a professional photographer to spend a lot of money, in case you just do not have a lot of capital, just make sure that what appears on the pack. Not a vague picture, hard to see.

If possible, avoid images taken from Google because they are not very nice and of good quality.

Also, if the photo itself should find a place with enough light, not dark, do not see the product.

3. Do not fill in all the information

This is an important point for new Pak users, they want to know if the owner of the pack does not fill in all the information, they do not know what this pack is for sure. Worse, if the content is not related to the product, then the more people do not know about the product, they Unlike Unlike Pak no need to wonder.

On the other hand, in relation to the emergence, the owner of the pack should also list all of their products or services, especially the address and telephone number.

4. Only for sale

Of course, creating a pack to sell, but imagine that if customers drag the pack of the business owner, nothing but the price of the product, see nothing else, they may be bored. And click Unlike Peck immediately.

Business owners can come up with something that will benefit their customers, be it tips or benefits related to the products or services they offer.