Every time and everywhere bridal time is a more crucial period than others for men and women. By this, you will enter a new life. You may start a new age. You will change the page of your life history. Everything seems to new. Everybody feels stress at this time. This thinking, tension, stress or mental pressure can rough your skin. If you know you may affect acne from stress you have to care more about stress. Try to feel free. Do not try to do anything which can hamper your smooth screen. Eat foods that are good for your screen. Avoid foods with more salt and sugar, avoid fried foods and foods with more spices. Drinks water as much as possible. You may take advice from a professional dermatologist.

If you have an acne problem

It is not well to see the acnes in your faces on the day of the bride. If you wanted to remove this problem you may do some task.

If you have acnes in your face you may apply acne cream over the acne with a cotton bud before the days of marriage. Leave it the whole night. If you could not find any acne cream you may use toothpaste, water mixed tea tree oil or aloe Vera gel. Leave it the whole night. You should find a fresh screen in the morning. After an hour you should wash it off with honey.

In this way, you may apply the white parts of an egg. Make green tea and then leave it to come cold. Then apply it over acne.

If grow acne in the morning of marriage day you should reduce it more quickly. You should use an Ice pack over acnes. Apply this three times every hour. It will reduce acne so quickly.

For your dry skin

If you feel your skin is so much dry you should take extra care before the bridal day. Dry can’t absorb makeup or can’t hold makeup long times. For reduce this problem you have to exfoliate your skin with a good scrub. Then apply makeup. It will give you a really outstanding look.

Do not try anything new

Everybody feels tension before the marriage day. Feels stress about brightness about looks about her beauty. How may she find her well? From this stress, anybody can buy some brand new cosmetics which you did not use anymore. You may fail any new with them. They will create some complexity than benefits. So, do not try any new item you should try your regular products.

Do not take facial

I am telling you again do not try anything new when facing bridal. If you do not take regular facial you should not take facial suddenly. There is so much possibility to have the wrong attitude from the skin. If you take facial regularly then its ok. No problem. Otherwise, it can be the cause of acne or rush which will very bad for that time. It looks not well as a bridal face.