Do you want to know healthy and delicious fruit? Its answer in one word is banana. If you wanted to ask me what kind of goodness in a banana? Then I should say the benefits of banana one by one. Let’s start…

Banana not famous for its color but also its nutrients and beneficial ingredients.

There is no alternative of banana in our hands to full fill the body demand useful ingredients so cheaply as a banana. There is no alternative to supply Iron in your body like a banana. Banana is full of Vitamin B6, vitamin C, fiber and manganese. There are three kinds of natural sugar in banana – sucrose, fructose, glucose. Besides, it’s full of fibers that give you instant energy at any time. Two banana will be enough to produce enough energy to perform at least 90 min workout. For this reason many famous athletics or any sports person fond of banana than any other fruit.

Banana is a great source of vitamin B6 which is essential for generating blood cells, produce more energy, produce metabolic amino acids, remove toxins from the liver and kidneys and maintain a healthy nerve system.

Banana is full of vitamin C which is essential for produce collagen which is essential for healthy brighter skin, protects cell damage, It is helpful in your sleeping cycle, stress and pain remove and also will help you in some other body problem.

Banana for Remove Depression
There is tryptophan protein in banana which will produce serotonin in your body. Serotonin will help you to feel relax, Will change your mood well and will help you to feel happy at all.

Many researchers advised women to eat a banana because it may able to control premenstrual syndrome (PMS). It is a source of vitamin B6 which will control the amount of glucose in the blood and give you a refreshed mind.

Banana to Prevent Anemia
 There is so much Iron in the banana. It will help to produce hemoglobin in the blood which will very helpful to control Anemia.

Banana for Control blood pressure
There is a very good combination of potassium and salt in the banana. Banana is a great source of potassium and it contains a very balanced salt. This is very helpful to control your blood pressure. The banana will control the blood sugar level easily. Banana is very essential to control your strokes and heart attacks also. The research shows that if you keep banana every day in your diet list almost 40% of strokes will be reduced.

 The brain can absorb potassium easily and it will help you in your brain health. It will very helpful to improve your attentiveness and help you to learn anything more quickly and remain for a long time.

Banana for Improve Digestion
The banana is full of fibers which are the very first element to maintain a healthy digestion system. If you suffering from constipation for a long time, a banana may help you to soften your bowel and it will be helpful for your bowel movement properly. Prefer ripe banana for improving the digestion system. Green banana also may also help you in the time of diarrhea.

There are natural antacid in a banana if you feel any kind of gastrological problem may prefer banana. It will help you to prevent it. It is very helpful for overcome ulcers. It is very helpful for reducing acidity in your stomach. Otherwise, the banana is very helpful to control your body temperature.

Banana for stress management
Banana is a great source of vitamin B6 which will help you to keep calm your nerve system. There are exists potassium which will help you to control the heartbeat. It will help you to reach oxygen in the brain and give you freshness it is very helpful for your stress less life. It is very helpful to prevent seasonal affective disorder because it has mood enhancer protein tryptophan.

Banana is helpful to stop smoking
 Banana is the source of vitamin B6, vitamin B12, potassium and magnesium which is very helpful for reducing the effect of nicotine. So it will be helpful to stop smoking.

Banana for weight loss
If you are in so much pressure or in stress you may prefer so much junk food for your diet. In that situation, it is very necessary to control your blood sugar. Banana is the fruit which can do it easily. If you take one piece of banana every two hours it will control very easily.

Banana does not contain more calories, on the other hand, it is full of fibers and nutrients. You may eat more fruits and vegetables like a banana full of fiber and nutrients. It will help you to control your weight and it would be the best fruits for your weight loss mission.