Soichiro Honda is known as one of Japan's most prominent former billionaires, the founder of the well-known multinational giant Honda Motor Co., Ltd., which makes motorcycles, cars, planes .... He was born on November 17, 1906 and passed away on August 5, 1991 (age 84).

Looking back on his childhood history, he has been fascinated by machinery since he was a child. And one of the funniest things he did when he was young was that as a child, Honda ran into the first car he saw in his life to smell the smoke and to find out. How can it run? He chased after the car for a long time until it stopped.

Perhaps it was because of this experience that he dared to pursue things that he could not reach, like chasing after a car. When the car stopped, he looked around the car, then he found a drop of oil dripping from the car, he knelt down to smell the oil.

He was a child who was very interested in mechanics and he was also a person who dared to dream and had a lot of dreams. Because of this, he named his motorcycle Honda Dream and the slogan "The Power Of Dream."

He became so obsessed with machinery that for a while there was a small rice mill near his house, and the sound of the machine fascinated him. He often begged his father to let him see how the machine worked and how great it was.

He later researched and manufactured various machines until he was able to produce motorcycles, cars, planes and other machinery that are famous all over the world to this day, despite his death. The lesson we can learn is that passion can create great energy that can produce great results.
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