(USA): From 1789 to the present, the United States has 45 presidents, each with their own unique characteristics, but only one with the most bittersweet history since the first solar eclipse. To close his eyes, he passed away.

You've probably seen the $ 5 bill with a picture of the 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln. To know how bitter and tragic the life of this 16th President is

Born in a sad hut and struggling

Baby Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809, in a small cottage in Hardin, Kentucky. His family was a very poor peasant family, and his mother died when Lincoln was young, and his father was an alcoholic. After Lincoln's birth mother died a while later, his father took another wife, but Lincoln's stepmother nurtured the poor child properly.

Lincoln had only one year of schooling, and because of poor living conditions, he was no longer able to attend school. But this bloody kid is a bookworm. One of the great things about Lincoln is that as long as he knows which house has books to read, he often borrows them to read in abundance. Travel tens of miles on foot to borrow books to read at home.

Lincoln was a good talker, and most people knew and liked him because of his good deeds to others. At age 19, he sailed from Ohio to New Orleans, Louisiana. It was there that he saw the brutal scene of slavery, where slaves were tortured and traded like beasts. This sympathy inspired him to do everything in his power to free slaves from all over the United States from this brutal form of slavery.

In 1834 he pursued a degree in law until he became one of the most well-known lawyers in Illinois, where he worked. Since then, he has become more and more popular throughout the United States, working hard to help the poor maintain integrity.


In 1846, Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress for one term in Washington. In 1858, he ran as a candidate in the Senate election, but was not elected. At the same time, he campaigned for the politics of mobilizing the people to eliminate slavery from the United States as a whole and gain overwhelming support.

In 1860, Lincoln decided to run for the Republican presidency and unknowingly ran for president, as he himself was no more important than his Democratic rivals. Due to the Democrat Party, there was an internal conflict at that time.

On one occasion he was dressed in a modern suit and rode out to give a lecture to his people, but on the way he came across a pig stuck in the mud. Already. He could actually ride a horse, but he got off his horse and took a piece of wood to pull the pig out of the pool. His clothes were muddy, but he kept going to give a talk.

When he spoke, everyone did not listen to his lectures, but they spoke from mouth to mouth about his kindness and compassion. This is a memory that Americans are proud to remember of this great man.

United Reunification and Struggle for the Elimination of Slavery

The 16th President of the United States led the country during the Civil War (1861-1865), the worst crisis in US history. Some southern states sought to secede from the Union to oppose the abolition of slavery. The war began and lasted for four years, with 23 southern states with a population of 22 million provoking conflicts with 11 northern states with a population of 9 million.

Finally, on April 9, 1865, the Confederates (South) surrendered to the Union Army (North) at the Battle of Appomattox. Slavery also ended under the leadership of Abraham Lincoln. In addition, he is also seen as a contributor to keeping the United States as a whole from disintegration.

End of life

After the abolition of slavery was achieved on April 15, 1865, Abraham Lincoln and his family went to a theater in Washington, D.C., and were assassinated by actor John Wilkes Booth. Achieved. Abraham Lincoln and his wife, Mary Todd Lincoln, died on the night of April 15, 1865.

The actor assassinated his president because he did not like the defeat of the Southern States, which lost the war under the Northern States, and the abolition of slavery under Brahma Lincoln.

This is the tragic story of Abraham Lincoln, who went through a bitter ordeal mixed with struggle from his childhood until he became a president with a will and a national cause for the people of the United States. Even his death did not mercifully give him a chance to die with dignity.