
Avocados originated from Mexico and are cultivated all over the world. The fruit itself also called an avocado, is technically a berry and has a single seed. The meat of the fruit has a smooth and creamy texture, and can be used in a variety of dishes and beverages, and can even be eaten on its own.

Mexico is responsible for over a third of avocado supplies in the entire world. Locations such as California and Peru are also known for their large avocado harvests and cultivation.

Health Benefits of Avocados
It Helps You Prevent Cancer
One of the best benefits that you can get from eating avocados is that it can help certain types of cancer from occurring, such as those along the digestive tract as well as the cervix. A 2015 study showed that compounds found in the fruit help in killing cancer cells.

A different study also reported that the plant compounds in avocados, called phytochemicals, can prevent the development of cancer cells within the body as well as reduce the harmful effects of chemotherapy.

It Helps Reduce Heart Attack Risk
Eating avocados can promote good heart health. As the fats in avocados can help in lowering bad cholesterol, this can help in removing plaque from the heart which may cause heart disease.

This can also help in preventing strokes, obesity, and diabetes. You should just be sure not to eat too much as very high HDL, or good cholesterol has negative implications as well.

It Helps Improve Digestion
Avocados are very high in dietary fiber. This helps in controlling your blood sugar levels which in turn helps lower the risk of diabetes. In addition, fiber helps in cleaning to gut and prevents constipation.

Avocados have both soluble and insoluble fiber, both of which are needed by the body and serve different purposes once consumed. In some cases, avocados have also been known to reduce the effects of food poisoning due to its anti-microbial properties.

It Helps You Sleep Better
Avocados contain compounds that help you fall asleep faster. It also helps in getting a better quality of sleep. If eaten a few hours before bedtime, avocados can help give you a healthy sleeping pattern. Sleep is a very important aspect of a healthy lifestyle as this is the time when your body naturally recovers.

It Helps Your Body Absorb More Nutrients
Nutrients from food will need to be absorbed by the body before they can be beneficial. Otherwise, they would only be excreted and would be of no use. The fats in avocados help the body absorb more nutrients in the digestive tract, so you can make the most out of the foods that you eat.
Nutrients such as Vitamins A, D, E, and K are better absorbed by the body when mixed in with fats, and avocados have plenty of that. This way, nutrients consumed will not go to waste.

It Helps Improve Eyesight
Antioxidants such as lutein and can be found in avocados. Lutein and other carotenoids help in the prevention of cataracts and other forms of macular degeneration. They also help in preventing damage against exposure to UV light. Eating avocados on a regular basis, thus, can help in promoting good eye health and maintaining good eyesight.

It Helps You Lose Weight
Eating avocados can make you feel fuller. This is because of its low glycemic index, which means that nutrients are more slowly absorbed by the body and will not spike blood sugar levels. This will help keep cravings at bay and it will also help prevent overeating.