If you are among active individuals seeking the best results from your exercise routine, diet, and lifestyle, the right balance of protein, carbohydrates, and low-fat foods are key factors that can provide you with the right nutrients and the most energy with few negative effects. Proteins are especially important for gym goers because they’re essential for building and repairing muscles and maintaining glycogen levels that support energy. That’s why you probably overheard fellow gym members talking about their high-protein, low-fat foods.

When you start a workout regimen, many concerns will come up. Will you be able to maintain muscle mass at a calorie deficit? Is it possible to maintain/gain muscle while losing fat? How do you maximize your performance at the gym? And on many days you will find yourself wondering how to recover from that muscle soreness as fast as possible. The answer to all these questions is protein.

1. Sockeye Salmon (Wild) (23 g. per 3 oz. Serving)

  • One of the best brain foods
  • Provides 25% more protein than raised salmon
  • Rich in omega-3 fatty acids

2. Turkey Breast (24 g. per 3 oz. Serving)

  • Low fat
  • Rich in zinc, potassium, zinc, vitamin B6 and niacin, both essential for energy
  • Can help lower cholesterol

3. Steak (Top or Bottom Round) (23 g. per 3 oz. Serving)
  • Leaner cuts provide 1 gram of protein for every 11 calories consumed when compared to ribeye.

9. Tofu (12 g. per 3oz. Serving)
  • Has all 8 amino acids
  • High in calcium, selenium, copper, iron and vita